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Tools that complement your LinkedIn advertising and make it 100x more effective

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Leveraging LinkedIn advertising in conjunction with other tools such as G2, 6sense, HubSpot, Metadata, and similar platforms can enhance your marketing efforts and help you reach your target audience more effectively. Here's how you can integrate these tools with LinkedIn advertising.

1. Audience Segmentation and Targeting

G2: G2 is a software and services review platform. You can use G2 to gather insights about your audience's preferences and behavior. Based on these insights, you can refine your LinkedIn targeting parameters, ensuring your ads reach users who are likely to be interested in your products or services.

6sense: 6sense is an account-based marketing platform that helps you identify and prioritize high-potential accounts. By integrating 6sense with LinkedIn, you can create highly targeted campaigns that focus on specific accounts that are in-market for your offerings.

2. Lead Generation and Management

HubSpot: HubSpot is a comprehensive inbound marketing and sales platform. You can integrate HubSpot with LinkedIn to capture leads generated through your LinkedIn ads. Automatically funnel these leads into your HubSpot CRM, allowing you to nurture and manage them effectively.

3. Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

6sense: 6sense is particularly useful for ABM strategies. It provides predictive analytics and account insights that help you prioritize and target high-value accounts on LinkedIn. Run tailored ABM campaigns to engage these accounts more effectively.

4. Personalization

Metadata: Metadata is a platform that specializes in account-based advertising. It can help you personalize ad content at scale, ensuring your LinkedIn ads resonate with each individual in your target audience.

5. Data Integration and Analytics

Data Analytics Tools: Connect your LinkedIn ad campaigns with data analytics tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, or Adobe Analytics to gain a deeper understanding of how LinkedIn traffic interacts with your website. Analyze conversion paths, user behavior, and ROI more effectively.

Marketing Automation Tools: Besides HubSpot, consider integrating other marketing automation tools like Marketo, Pardot, or Eloqua. These tools can help automate lead nurturing and scoring, further optimizing your LinkedIn ad campaigns.

6. Content Strategy and Personalisation

Content Management Systems (CMS): Leverage CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla to create landing pages or content hubs that align with your LinkedIn ad campaigns. Ensure a seamless user experience from ad click to content consumption.

Video Content Creation: Mobile apps like InShot, Adobe Premiere Rush, and Canva offer easy ways to create and edit videos directly on your mobile device. This can be especially useful for creating short, attention-grabbing video content that is mobile-friendly.

Presentation and Images: Canva, Adobe Spark, and Visme can provide templates and customization for creating engaging visuals. Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Creative Cloud offer advanced design capabilities, while platforms like SlideShare help you share presentations directly on LinkedIn.

Dynamic Ad Content: Tools like Metadata can enable you to create dynamic ad content on LinkedIn. It personalizes ad elements like headlines, images, and body text based on the user's profile data, making your ads highly relevant.

7. Account Matching

LinkedIn Matched Audiences: Use LinkedIn's Matched Audiences feature to upload lists of accounts or contacts from tools like 6sense or HubSpot. This enables you to retarget specific accounts or individuals with your LinkedIn ads.

Leadfeeder: Leadfeeder allows you to identify which companies visit your site and lets you know how they found your offer and what they were looking for. Also, it will send an email alert if any new information about users becomes available.

8. Conversion Tracking

URL Parameters: Use UTM parameters to track LinkedIn ad conversions in tools like Google Analytics. This allows you to attribute website actions to specific LinkedIn campaigns, ads, or creative variations.

9. Testing and Optimization:

A/B Testing Tools: Use A/B testing tools like Optimizely or VWO to optimize landing pages and conversion paths for LinkedIn traffic. Test different ad variations, landing page layouts, and CTAs to improve conversion rates.

Incorporating these tools into your LinkedIn advertising strategy can help you make data-driven decisions, improve audience targeting, enhance personalization, and streamline lead generation and nurturing. It's crucial to ensure that these tools are well-integrated, data flows smoothly between them, and your teams are aligned to extract the maximum benefit from your combined efforts.

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