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Outperforming KPIs by booking 2.2x more registrations for a venture building programme


Leads in 2 months

200 k+

Brand Impressions

Image by Jason Goodman







Company Size


About ideasinc

NTUitive is the innovation and enterprise company of Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU Singapore).

It help protect, manage and commercialise the intellectual property (IP) from NTU, support and nurture startups and spinoffs from the university, and develop the university's innovation and enterprise eco-system.

Client’s Challenges
  • The objective of engagement with us was to generate awareness about the program among target audience and generate leads for the programme. We were operating in a very narrow target audience with very specific demographics but undefined firmographic.

  • No existing content library. Client was engaging with marketing platforms for the first time and did not have a repository of ad designs or videos which can be used in running campaigns.

Services Offered

  • Linkedin Retargeting

  • Facebook and Instagram Marketing - Brand Awareness and Lead Generation Campaigns

  • Ad designs & Social media creatives

  • Video creation

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Our Solution
  • Created relevant audience on all the platforms for targeting

Targeted users who had graduated within past 3-4 years, or were post graduate college students from reputed Singapore universities. Also targeted users with interest in entrepreneurship.

  • Brand awareness ads on Facebook and Instagram
    Audience who had seen these videos for more than 3 sec were retargeted with lead generation ads on both Facebook & Instagram.

  • Lead generation ads on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to the engaged audience.

  • Created ad library

Developed a repository of image ads, carousels, gifs and videos. These were used along with lead generation forms to capture interest.



Reg. in 2 months


Brand impressions



  • Optimised the campaign to lower the CPL by 40%

  • Spent 20% less than the projected budget

  • Received 110% more leads than the projected number

  • Achieved 2x better CTR than industry benchmarks

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